The friendship behind the work…
“No hour of your life is wasted in the saddle” – Winston Churchill
I have worked with many eventers and I see this time and time again. Its all down to the LOVE we feel for each and every horse. Not only in success but the effort that your horse puts in and it’s all for you!
Megan and Sherman – June 2016
When I visited Megan and her eventer, Sherman she was aware that 2016 would probably be the last season with Sherman as she needed something with a few more hands, which, as inevitable as it is, just sucks when it’s time.
It takes an enormous amount of effort creating a ridden relationship between you and your horse, perfecting your dressage bends, your cross country braveness together and picking up your toes for show jumping. It’s more than that though, you build up this incredible friendship, each and every morning you show up, to change his rugs, give him his breakfast, turn him out with his friends, muck out his mess from the night before, refill water and hay and thats if you don’t ride before School as Megan inevitably does in order to succeed in this eventing world. Then you ride again after school, change outdoor rug into his PJ’s, feed him his tea, clean your tack.
All of this, plus the lessons, study, events, competing, traveling, team training, cleaning gear, entries, owners, sponsors…. it doesn’t end but it is great! From all of this dedication and time we need to take a few steps back and realise the bond we have with these animals. The trust and relationship that shines through when it goes right and of course when it can go wrong.
Your horse does not care about the rosette, he doesn’t need a cup for his mantle piece, its you he cares about, your reaction to winning, to moving up the ladder and the pleasure your horses gets from this friendship.
“Every rider has that one special horse who changes everything about them” – Horseware
This is the friendship that I capture in an equine portrait shoot. All the hard work, the early mornings, the late nights all add up to the friendship and connection that shines through in each and every image.
I have added a larger selection than normal from Megan’s photo shoot to show you the type of collection you can get from a fun filled shoot with me. I know you will agree that Megan and Sherman are clear friends and have a beautiful set of images to hold on to forever.
Good luck for the future Megan, see you at Badminton one day!