Robyn, Flash and Jake
In October 2016 I met Robyn and captured beautiful portraits of Robyn and her two boys, Flash and Jake.
Robyn keeps her horses just outside of Warminster at a lovely and quiet yard. Robyn had a great selection of styles and clothing that she brought to her portrait session. After picking out our top 3 outfits we walked around the yard and selected our favourite locations.
This yard is set within a valley, and at this time of year the colours scream out and add to every shot. One of my absolute favourite shots from this day is with both horses and Robyn in between them. I set this shot up on the track that leads out of the yard towards amazing hacking ground. The trees the loomed over this track added a natural frame to this image and we waited for the light to be perfect. I adore this image and it makes me chuckle each time as it reminds me that while I was taking this shot, Robyns Mum was behind me waving her coat for the perfect ‘ears forward’ moment.