Locations – Lets see the beauty!
I know many of my clients worry that their yard won’t lend itself to a photoshoot. Many think:
“I don’t have a big barn or a line of blossom trees! I won’t get any lovely images”
Let me tell you why you are wrong (said with love!). The photo shoot is not about the yard, or the view or even the great big oak tree thats perfect for leaning shots. This photo shoot is about capturing the friendship and bond you have with your horse. The reason you get out of bed on bloomin’ cold January mornings and make sure they are fed before you are. The reason, when your instructor says ‘more inside leg’ and you cant breathe but your horse hears you and helps you out… This is why you have a photo shoot with me. Immortalising this best friend forever, allowing them to live in your home with you in beautiful framed artwork and being able to pass down images to the next generations of you with your beloved animal.
So, I wanted to address the whole location fear and help put your mind at ease. I have photographed horses that have 3 fields and a wooden lean to for a field shelter – these images were still beautiful and frame worthy! I have also photographed on the cliffs of Jersey, but did not allow the view to take the main stage.
When I arrive at a location, be it a yard, home or on location like the New Forest – the first part of the session is taken up with the location scout. This is where we walk together around your location and find the perfect spots. This maybe tiny squares of background… like this one under a willow tree –
Or maybe a patch of long grass that is actually around the back of the stables, like this one…
Or maybe you have a stable on the yard that has a window, that you have never noticed before…
I promise you, whatever your yard or home has to offer, I will find the best bits and create stunning images using them to enhance each and every one.
Heres a few more inspiring locations showing off their best sides…
Honestly, I could post SO many images here, as I feel so passionately that every location has beauty, and Im great at finding it!
If you would like a brochure on booking a photoshoot with me, please email my studio manager Minty at minty@hannahfreelandphotography.co.uk